Central Location Tests (CLTs)

Central Location Tests (CLTs)

CLT is a qualitative market research methodology. It involves conducting interviews in a controlled environment. These are often places like malls, schools, religious places, hotels, restaurants etc. In CLTs the respondents/participants will be interviewed face-to-face. 
At Market Research Field Services we do CLTs on a regular basis for number of products. We have a rich pool of experienced and industry specific interviewers.

Advantages of CLTs:

  • The place of interview can be chosen by the respondents which allows them to participate in the interview thoroughly
  • Interviewers can eliminate bias in the interview as all the participants will be shown the same set of data at the same time
  • In CLTs, based on the response of the participants, the researchers can extend the interview with more questions and can gain more insights
  • The body language of the participants, what they say, or what they did not say etc., gives great insights for the researchers to know more about the issue at hand

CLTs Conducted by Us Are:

  • Sensory Testing
  • Advertising or Copy Testing
  • Concept tests
  • Product tests
  • Packaging tests
  • Name tests